Are you passionate about growing the salsa scene? Whether you reside in a city with a small dance community or a thriving metropolis with a huge dance scene like Los Angeles, London, or NYC, attracting more dancers to the salsa community can enhance the dance experience for everyone involved. However, the initial learning curve, particularly for leads, can deter newcomers and cause them to drop out or switch to easier-to-learn dances. To foster the growth of the salsa scene worldwide, it is crucial to provide support and encouragement to salsa newbies during this formative stage.
Making a Difference as an Individual:
You may wonder how one person, even if not an exceptional dancer, can contribute to the growth of the salsa scene. The truth is, your impact can be more significant than you realize. To beginners, everyone on the dance floor appears skilled, and even dancers with slightly more experience can offer valuable encouragement. A simple smile, laughter during a dance, or an occasional invitation can uplift newbies and motivate them to continue their salsa journey. Remember, these small acts of kindness can leave a lasting impression and inspire newcomers to persist and become part of the vibrant salsa community.
Balancing Enjoyment and Encouragement:
It’s understandable that some individuals may hesitate to dance with newbies due to various reasons, ranging from boredom to concerns about safety. Everyone has the freedom to choose their dance partners, and no one should be compelled to dance with beginners. However, it’s essential to consider the bigger picture. If no one dances with newbies, the scene will gradually diminish until there are no dancers left. Moreover, it’s crucial to remember that everyone was once a beginner, and someone gave them a chance. Finding a balance between maximizing your own enjoyment and dancing with a few newbies can go a long way in fostering growth and inclusivity within the salsa community.
The Power of Paying It Forward:
Recently, during a conversation with experienced dancers, the concept of “paying it forward” was discussed. It reminded me of the movie “Pay It Forward” (2000), where a young boy sets out to change the world by performing random acts of kindness. Similarly, established salsa dancers can adopt a similar approach to support newbies. Selecting three promising or deserving newbies, provide them with ongoing encouragement and dance with them. Once these newbies overcome the initial learning curve and emerge from their salsa hell, encourage them to “pay it forward” by supporting three other newbies in the future. This simple yet powerful idea requires minimal investment but can make a profound impact on the salsa scene.
Growing the salsa scene requires the collective effort of individuals committed to fostering inclusivity and support for newbies. By encouraging and dancing with beginners, even for a few minutes each night, established dancers can inspire and empower newbies to persevere. Embracing the concept of “paying it forward” can create a ripple effect, leading to the expansion and improvement of the salsa community. Let’s come together, pay it forward, and continue to thrive on the dance floor.
Let’s Get It!